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This piece I wrote is based off of pirates of the Caribbean but it has a magical twist to it. It is my first fictional narrative. I really enjoyed writing it and learned a lot from the editing process of this piece. It was a lot of fun to express my creativity and love for the ocean in a story. My dad used to work on boats so I used the knowledge i learned from his stories to write this. When I finished writing this piece I was very proud of it and loved sharing it with my family.

This piece is all based off of my fictional narrative. It takes place before  the last story starts. The girl finds out that her father is going on a trip again and tries to convince him to take her with him. It is a very emotional piece and was a hard one to write. When I first start writing this piece I was stuck. It was really hard to make it emotional and believable at the same time. When I finished writing it I was way more pleased with it than I thought i would be. Overall I am happy with the way it turned out.

This piece is one of my favorites because of how personal it is. I wrote about myself and my father. I wrote about my own personal experience in high stress situations playing volleyball. I pictured in my head a moment where time slowed and you could see every thing about the main character. I think I portrayed the picture in my head well. My favorite part about the story is the interactions the main character has with the other girls on the team.

My dad loves this story the most because he thinks it is really funny. I do not like this one that much because I think it is written poorly. The parts that my dad thought were funny I thought sounded like I was trying too hard. This story was the hardest to write because it was the first and my writing style wasn't quite developed. The hardest part about writing it was the planning part. I couldn't get my ideas on a page for this story.

This piece is my least favorite because of how awkward it feels to me. I wrote about an experience my freshman year where a guy put up a faćade and seriously tricked me. After that experience I realized how many times people have tricked me into thinking they were a good person. While writing this piece I learned a lot about myself and the nature of the world. Even though I didn't like the outcome I enjoyed the process.

This piece was a lot of fun to write because of the magical aspect to it. I enjoyed creating the abusive relationship between the mother and daughter in the story. One thing I learned while writing this is that I don't like to name my characters. I didn't realize i do this but while editing this Chloe brought it to my attention. I couldn't figure out the ending of my story so I left it at a cliff hanger.

This restaurant review was very difficult to write because of how odd its structure was. Im not a professional reviewer so it was difficult to figure out what I was supposed to write. I don't like how it turned out because I feel like it isn't a beneficial review. I also picked a bad restaurant so it was difficult to figure out what to write about. I learned from this piece that I am not very good at professional writing nor do I like it.

This piece was a ton of fun to write and it stretched my writing style. It was a lot of fun and also quite difficult to get into this character and be able to portray it well. I enjoyed writing the twist to it, but that part to a long time to figure out how to get just write. Over all this piece really stretched my writing abilities and i think it enhanced my writing abilities and allowed for me to write more realistic and nonfiction stories. 

This play was so much fun to write but I struggled at the beginning. The topic I picked was hard to write a thousand words for so I struggled for a little while. I wish I picked a better topic to write about so that my play could have been more developed. It was a lot of fun to see and preform all of my classmates plays. Over all, I am happy with how this play turned out and had fun preforming it.

It was difficult to write all different types of poetry and do it well. I enjoyed writing poetry because it allowed me to express my self in a different and creative way. My favorite poem is the one titled Bro. It is about my brother and I's relationship. I feel like I did a good job portraying how I feel about that topic and I like how the poem turned out. I am very glad we did a unit on poetry because it allowed me to use and grow my imagination and creativity.

This piece was a lot of fun to write and was an extension of my soul. It was the male point of view of my students choice from last semester. I like how this one turned out because I think it mirrored the original one well. I enjoyed creating this character because I think he is a pretty cool guy. It was fun to create the idea behind this story because iI let my imagination run free. However, I struggled with the focus. Overall I am proud of this piece and enjoyed writing it. 

This piece was a product of my imagination and I loved creating the characters. This piece was fun to write because I was able to create such different and fun personalities. I struggled with the ending of this story so it kind of happens pretty abruptly. One thing I wish i could have changed with this piece is the character development of the painted men. I wish I could have developed them more and allowed the reader to get to know them. 

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